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2003 Ford Focus SVT
September 14th 2006
I've added video from my last two autocrosses.
August 28th 2006
I've uploaded the in car video and some pictures from this past
weekend. I went to a high speed autocross held at the
411 Motor Speedway;
Satellite Image. The event was run by the
SVT Cobra Mustang Club and
they brought out the big guns. In the paddock I was surrounded by
modified Cobras, Mustang GT's, C-5 ZO6's, and even a C-6 ZO6. I
was a few hundred horse power shy of having the fast time of the day and
finished 18th out of 35 entrants. But, I had a blast even though
my times were on the slow side. The course was quite challenging
to get right. The banking allowed for very high cornering speed,
the straights let the Focus wind out second gear and the transitions to
the infield were a exercise in patience. Here are some links to other
participants' pictures:
Link 1
Link 2
August 26th 2006
I added video my last autocross. The event was put on by
the Southern Indiana Region SCCA
and held at the Owensboro, KY airport. On the way to the site the
sky's opened up a few times with torrential rain, and I wasn't sure it
was going to be worth the two hour drive. But, by the time the
first car was off the rain had stopped and it was kind enough to
stay away. So all in all it was a great day for racing.
August 16th 2006
I've made some minor changes to the site to make it easier to
navigate as I add more video. There are now two main video
sections; Track Day and Autocross. Click on one of the tabs to the
left and it will take you to a list of all the videos in that section.
August 13th 2006
A buddy of mine and I took the trip out to
Motlow Community College to
autocross with the TLSCCA.
The site is a bit smaller than the club I belong to, but it has SHADE!
Anyone familiar with August in the south can appreciate that. Plus
it is way more laid back than the usual autocross clubs so it is a nice
change of pace. To see the videos follow the Autocross tab to the
May 29th 2006
I was back out at the
Nashville Super
Speedway on the 19th of May. It was a pretty good track day as
there were not very many cars and I got a lot of clean laps in.
While I like getting clean laps they don't make for great video.
Unless you enjoy seeing some clean lines and well caught apexes you will
not see much action in these clips. But, not all is lost for you
lovers of action; Check out Session Three!
Oh, since the drivers of two white classic Mustangs
couldn't find the time to give me the point by I feel the need to point
out I was running
Kumho 712 street tires.
August 11th 2005
I added a few pictures from my last autocross on 7 August at the
Nashville Super
Speedway. See the event results
August 5th 2005
I added some video from my last trip to the
Nashville Super
Speedway hosted by the
Music City Mustang Club.
It is track time for work deal so when not working one of the flagging
stations you can join your group out on track. This year I ran
with the advanced group and the SVT Focus held it's own. I think
the video from session five is the most entertaining. This session
was a SCCA Members only session and is the major reason the event is
never hurting for volunteers.
In session five an Autocross buddy of mine, in a
flat black Corolla GT, and I attacked the track pretty hard. It's
the closest I've been to wheel to wheel racing, but we were careful not
to break any of the "point by rules." In the video you can see me
slowly reeling him in. Then a caution flag was brought out by a
spinning Miata and the gap was gone. I got the point by but wasn't
able to pull away. By this time my tires were shot and I was
getting some severe push. Check out the end of the video for the
tire carnage.
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